About Us

Mathew Saunders Co-founder

I have been looking for a way of bringing together two cultures that mean so much to me. That is Bacano allowing the best of both to shine side by side.  
Born, schooled, formed, and where I have all my deepest roots. England has given me the values that have allowed me to make friends and have human connections everywhere I go. All my education was in England, which I am proud of. For all its errors and, more importantly, mine, I am educated, something I am eternally grateful for.

For the second part of my life, I have lived in various parts of South and Central America, eventually settling in Cartagena, Colombia, where I am today. Married to Laura, my costeña bride, who is all the good of Colombia and my rock. She has been a great teacher of her culture. With a definite zest for life and a "rumbero spirit," Colombia continues to shape my outlook on everything.

Finally, both cultures share the importance and joy of family and human relationships. Everyone has a human spirit, and this is what defines Bacano. 

Laura Ñustes Co-Founder

Born, raised, and proud to be from Cartagena, Colombia. I am growing to love coffee, thanks to my husband, whose enthusiasm for it can be painful.

My passions include my family and my faith, both guiding me in life. I see Bacano as an opportunity to do good in the world. The possibility of creating something from scratch and re-writing the rule book for people in England and Colombia is driving me. With a background in business and finance, I consider myself grounded and focused, ensuring all parties can prosper from what Bacano is doing. 

My husband might call it nagging, but I am the person who keeps the ball moving forward, and my values which are based on my faith and helping others which I am proud to say, is something Bacano will always be. 

 The Dream

We are in a unique position to bridge gaps for everyone to prosper. With a foot in both worlds, we want to create more opportunities for more people. Imagine a chain where no one is taking advantage of anyone. That is what Bacano has the chance to develop, and we want to bring everyone along for the ride: our staff is valued and encouraged to grow, and our partners are, trusted and allowed to create their path. The most crucial part is you, the customer, the key to creating success for everyone else while enjoying outstanding quality and moments from the coffee they love.