The Farm

The Region: Sierra Nevada, Colombia

The highest coastal mountain range in the world lies just 42km from the beautiful beaches of Colombia's Caribbean coast near Santa Marta. 

Declared by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site in 1979, the Sierra Nevada is one of the world’s most unique regions. A mountain range soaring 5,800 meters above sea level enjoys all thermal floors, boasting a vast network of ecosystems that countless forms of life, cultures, and communities call home. This imposing mountain is located in northern Colombia and occupies the departments of Magdalena, La Guajira, and Cesar.

The region is well-suited for producing high-grade arabica coffee with abundant rich topsoil, annual rainfall of 160 in/year, and year-round temperatures between 64 – 84° F.

Town: Santa Clara 

Founded by Crispolo Claro and his wife Clara, who the town is named after. In 1965 traveled from the North of Santander with the visionary Juan Ospina, who had wanted to create a village with schools and the possibility of cultivating coffee. With a mindset that still holds true today, Santa Clara is characterized by the people's generosity and willingness to see the good in life. 

The cold climates in Santa Clara allow it to accomplish the dreams of its founders by harvesting coffee along with crops such as plantain, avocados yuka sugar cane, among others. 

Santa Clara is a town full of natural beauty and community spirit but also a place forgotten by the state, meaning life has not always been easy for the families who reside there. 

The Farm: Los Deseos

Situated: Latitud: 10.45836 / Longitud: -73.90786

It was named "Los Deseos" or Dreams, simply because it was born from the hearts of Luis Mozo and his wife Marinelsi Quintero, who dreamed of owning their land. In 1998 Luis took a huge risk by taking out a loan to fund their dream, which over time, with love and hard work, has now become their primary source of income, part of their family heritage, and a footprint of their values as a family.
 The farm's main focus today, now in its second generation, is coffee, thanks to it's ideal climate. However, it is also very common to find sugar cane, yuka, and plantains, among other fruits.
 Another exciting project on this farm is the natural jungle, a section left to nature, a place of solitude and freedom for nature to do its thing. 
 It has been challenging and is a constant labor of love.
This region was affected tragically through the 80s and 90s due to the war with the guerrillas that forced many to leave their homes or risk their lives staying.
 Ycir, the son of Luis, has taken on the responsibility of continuing his family's traditions and continues to move the farm and the family traditions forward. 
A unique portion of land in a special part of the world, Los Deseos, offers tranquility and peace, where the land is giving back as much love as it receives.